
UK Brick Beam Construction SEO Case Study

Written by
Jessie Mae Lambert
Internal Marketing Manager
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Client Background

UK Brick is the UK’s leading waterstruck brick supplier. They are B2B and have supplied bricks for a range of popular buildings from Durham University's Mountjoy Centre to The Compton Residential building.

UK Brick’s Problem

When we first started working with UK Brick, ads were working okay but we noticed a range of issues on UK Brick’s site, from very large file sizes and limited accessibility to blogs having a low word count and not at all SEO optimised, and even duplicate landing page copy.

UK Brick’s Strategy

Before we did anything else, we ensured that they passed core web vitals tests as this is very important in Google’s eyes (especially since the latest Google update). Afterwards, we set about removing duplicate landing page copy which is important for any business doing SEO not just within construction SEO. Once this was finished, the next stage of our construction SEO strategy was to start writing, informative, engaging and SEO-optimised content to help UK Brick rank for more organic keywords.

From the keyword research, we noticed a long-tail keyword that was perfect for UK Brick to rank for, “brick beam”. From then on, we started to devise a strategy to ensure UK Brick ranked on the first page of Google. The first thing we did was to identify a headline 2 question we could answer to potentially get featured as search result 0 (the rich results Google snippet). Once, located and answered (ensuring to use of our target keyword) we looked at other ways to provide value to potential customers whilst simultaneously increasing SEO. We did this by providing images of the processes, ensuring to add alt text to increase accessibility. We also ensured to add headline 2 and headline 3’s with concise yet informative content after each headline.

The Results

Within a 3-month period after the blog was posted it was in the featured snippet and had significant results:

Total Impressions Continuously Increasing: The client's website experienced a steady increase in Impressions from the start. From 116 Impressions in the first month and with 1.37k in 3 months.

UK Brick organic impressions increasing

High Search Rankings: The website's visibility for the target keyword “brick beams” significantly improved and is now number 1 on theGoogle Search Results Page.


Google Featured Snippet: After publishing the blog about brick beams and optimising the on-page copy, we captured the FeaturedSnippet in Google. This helps drive a significant amount of organic traffic and enhance a site's visibility on Google.


Voice Search Optimisation: By following the guidelines in on-page optimisation for improving a website's visibility and considering targeting question keywords and long-tail keywords we’ve also captured the Google Snippet that helps us in voice-based search queries.

UK Brick Rich Snippet


In conclusion, this UK Brick case study demonstrates a remarkable turnaround in the online visibility of UK Brick, a prominent waterstruck brick supplier in the UK. Addressing issues like large file sizes, accessibility, and suboptimal content, our comprehensive SEO strategy resulted in notable achievements. We secured the top position for the target keyword "brick beams" on Google Search, captured the Featured Snippet, and optimised for voice-based search. The results speak for themselves, with continuous growth in impressions and enhanced visibility, underscoring the transformative power of strategic SEO in boosting a business's digital presence and success.

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